Thursday, November 09, 2006

Development of Doctrine (Index Page for Dave Armstrong)

General and Introductory

Historical Development in the Understanding of Doctrinal Development of the Apostolic Deposit (Featuring Much Documentation From St. Thomas Aquinas; Also From St. Augustine, St. Vincent of Lerins, Vatican I [1870], Popes Pius IX, Pius X, Etc.) 

An Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine (John Henry Cardinal Newman: 1845; rev. 1878)
Conclusion: Retrospect and Prospect (from From Newman to Congar; by Aidan Nichols)
The Theory of Developments in Religious Doctrine, (Cardinal Newman - 1843; from Oxford University Sermons)
The Religious Movement (Dublin Review, 1845)
A Response to Catholic "Inventions" (Phil Porvaznik vs. Les Wilcox)

Anglican-Catholic Dialogue on Development


Bible and Tradition / Canon of the Bible


Eschatology (Last Things and Afterlife)


God, Theology and Doctrine of

Inquisition and Religious Liberty

The Controversial "Torture" Issue as Related to Catholic Development of Doctrine on the Treatment of Heretics (+ Part Two)

The Catholic Church's Consistent Doctrine on Religious Liberty (William G. Most)
A Response to John Noonan, Jr. Concerning the Development of Catholic Moral Doctrine (Usury, Marriage, Slavery, Religious freedom) (Patrick M. O'Neil)
Torture and Punishment as a Problem in Catholic Moral Theology: Part I. The Witness of Sacred Scripture (Fr. Brian W. Harrison)
Torture and Punishment as a Problem in Catholic Moral Theology: Part II. The Witness of Tradition and Magisterium (Fr. Brian W. Harrison)
The Center is Holding / The Second Vatican Council and Religious Liberty (Fr. Brian W. Harrison)
Pius IX, Vatican II and Religious Liberty (Fr. Brian W. Harrison)
Dignitatis Humanae: A Non-Contradictory Doctrinal Development (Fr. Brian W. Harrison)
Religious Freedom: Does Vatican Council II Contradict Traditional Catholic Doctrine? A Debate (Brian W. Harrison vs. Arnold T. Guminski; South Bend: St. Augustine Press, 2013)
Religious Liberty: "Rights" vs. "Tolerance" (Fr. Brian W. Harrison)
John Courtney Murray: A Reliable Interpreter of Dignitatis Humanae? (+ Part Two)  (Fr. Brian W. Harrison)
Review of Michael Davies’ book, The Second Vatican Council and Religious Liberty (Fr. Brian W. Harrison)

Liturgy / The Mass

 Mary: The Blessed Virgin

"Whitewashing History": Critique of James White's Book, Mary -- Another Redeemer? (William Possidento and Dave Armstrong vs. James White)

Dialogue on My Critique of James White's Book, Mary -- Another Redeemer? (particularly with regard to the differing views on early Mariology of Protestant Church historians J.N.D. Kelly and Philip Schaff) (vs. "BJ Bear")

Development of the Immaculate Conception (Apolonio Latar) 

Blessed John Henry Cardinal Newman

Orthodoxy, Eastern

The Idea of Doctrinal Development in Eastern Orthodox Theology (from From Newman to Congar; by Aidan Nichols)

The Papacy



Saints, Communion of

Soteriology (Theology of Salvation)


Did the Church Change Its Doctrine on Usury? (Jay W. Richards, Crisis Magazine, 12-8-14) [see also related in-depth discussion on my Facebook page]

The Red Herring of Usury (David Palm, This Rock, Sep. 1997) 

Last updated on 8 December 2014.
