Friday, September 18, 2009

Information on 100% Tax-Deductible Donations to Dave Armstrong's Full-Time Apologetics Apostolate

[Dave & Judy Armstrong, 7-23-09; taken by fellow apologist Steve Ray at fellow apologist Gary Michuta's house]



I have made arrangements with my associate John Martignoni, President of the Bible Christian Society (fellow apologist and radio host on EWTN), to receive 100% tax-deductible, secure credit card and bank account donations via his website. Just click on the "Tax-Deductible" icon below (and be sure to check out his free offerings while you are there).

Very Important: a donation of this sort must be accompanied by an e-mail to John:

john [at] biblechristiansociety [dot] com

stating that "Dave Armstrong is the intended recipient". Otherwise, it'll be indistinguishable from any other donation to Bible Christian Society
. I know that this is a little extra hassle, but it's so you can receive the tax deduction, and John will know that it is intended for me.


Personal checks for this purpose are made out to "Bible Christian Society" (any checks from outside the US must be in "US funds") and mailed directly to me. You need to send me an e-mail (with the word "donation" in the title) so I can give you my home address to send it to (I don't want to list it online). My e-mail address is: 

apologistdave [at] gmail [dot] com


If a tax deduction is not needed, or if you are from a country other than the united States, or for convenience purposes, you can also donate via PayPal: (my account over there is called "Catholic Used Book Service" due to my business ten years ago):


Orthodox My work is recommended by many well-known Catholic apologists, priests, and others in the Church. You can be confident that it is solid and in complete harmony with the magisterial teachings of the Catholic Church.

Comprehensive I offer probably the most wide-ranging (free) selection of Catholic apologetics available online (about 1500 posts as of August 2015), from any single individual, in addition to my 49 books (ten "officially" published by well-known publishers). It's been literally a constant labor of love since I began my website in early 1997.

Fruitful Many hundreds have (in an unsolicited fashion) cited my writing as a direct influence in their conversion to Catholicism or renewed commitment to and enthusiasm for the Catholic faith. You yourself may have even been aided in this fashion by my writing (and at relatively little or no cost). 

Your Opportunity I am humbly asking for your help if you see fit to support this educational apostolate of Catholic apologetics, catechesis, and evangelism. You can be part of this effective, successful mission, and play a direct role in allowing it to continue "full force." May God abundantly bless you with all good things!

Updated on 12 August 2015. 

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